
Shining a light on some of my hard work and accomplishments

Project Representation

Human Dilemmas

Human Dilemmas is a mirror that gives you the possibility to compare yourself with other humans.

ReactContext APIHooksReduxCSS3HTML5ES6TailwindCSSMini-MapESLint
Project Representation

Users Microservice

Users microservice created using Auth0 which helps admin to manage users easily.

Project Representation

Products Microservice

Microservice built as a part of Users Microservice. This microservice manages the product catalogue

Project Representation

NFT Bids - Showcase

A smooth one pager website with responsiveness that represents information about mobile app of same name.

React.jsTailwind CSSESLint
Project Representation

Covid-19 Tracker

Covid 19 Tracker built in a bootcamp

Project Representation


Neufluence is an influencer marketing platform that connects creators with brands.

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